Friday, November 29, 2019

A Deeper Look At Cystic Fibrosis Sciences Essays

A Deeper Look At Cystic Fibrosis Sciences Essays A Deeper Look At Cystic Fibrosis Sciences Essay A Deeper Look At Cystic Fibrosis Sciences Essay A ; Doring, G. ( 2003 ) . Cystic fibrosis.Lancet, 361, 681-689. This paper is a review paper depicting Cystic Fibrosis. It reveals of import statistics about Cystic Fibrosis. It besides describes some possible intervention options. Sheppard, D.N. , A ; Welsh, M.J. ( 1999 ) . Structure and map of the CFTR chloride channel.Physiological Reviews, 79, 23-45. This is a reappraisal article depicting the construction and map of CFTR in item. Provides and describes the biophysical belongingss and composing of CFTR protein. Gallic, P.J. , Doorninck, J.H. , Peters, R.H. , Verbeek, E. , Ameen, N.A. , Marino, C.R. , Jonge, H.R. , Bijman J. A ; Scholte B.J. ( 1996 ) . A delta F508 mutant in mouse cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator consequences in a temperature-sensitive processing defect in vivo. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 98, 1304-1312 This article describes the belongingss of the delta F508 mutant in mouse. It shows the correlativity between protein map and the mutant in CFTR. Wang, X. , Moylan, B. , Leopold, D.A. , Kim, J. , Rubenstein, R.C. , Togias, A. , Proud, D. , Zeitlin, P.L. , A ; Cutting, G.R. ( 2000 ) . Mutant in the cistron responsible for cystic fibrosis and sensitivity to chronic rhinosinusitis in the general population. Journal of the American Medical Association, 284 ( 14 ) , 1814-9. This article describes the mutant of CFTR cistrons by different mutants. It points to a common sensitivity to chronic rhinosinusitis in persons with mutants. Wang, Y. , Loo, T.W. , Bartlett, M.C. , A ; Clarke, D.M. ( 2007 ) . Correctors promote ripening of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator ( cystic fibrosis transport regulator ) -processing mutations by adhering to the protein.The Journal of Biological Chemistry,282 ( 46 ) , 33247-33251. This article describes the misfolds in a CFTR protein and its consequence on the protein map. It besides provides some possible techniques for handling CF utilizing protein correctors and by bring oning farther mutants. Norez, C. , Pasetto, M. , Dechecchi, M.C. , Barison, E. , Anselmi, C. , Tamanini, A. , Quiri, F. , Cattel, L. , Rizzotti, P. , Dosio, F. , Cabrini, G. A ; Colombatti, M. ( 2008 ) . Chemical junction of deltaF508-CFTR corrector deoxyspergualin to transporter human serum albumen enhances its ability to deliver Cl- channel maps. American Journal of Physiology, 295, 336-347. This article describes the a possible chemical corrector which when used in concurrence to the serum albumen, enhances mutated CFTR map Noel, S. , Wilke, M. , Bot, A.G.M. , De Jonge, H.R. , A ; Becq, F. ( 2008 ) . Parallel betterment of Na and chloride conveyance defects by miglustat ( n-butyldeoxynojyrimicin ) in cystic fibrosis epithelial cells.The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapetics, 325 ( 3 ) , 1016-1023. This article describes the consequence of Miglustat in bettering the operation of Na and chloride ion transporters. Chan, H.S. , A ; Ruan, Y.C. , ( 2008 ) . The Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator in generative wellness and disease.The Journal of Physiology, 587, 2187-2195. This article shows that CF patients potentially suffer from sterility or subfertility due to blockage of generative piece of land by syrupy mucous secretion. McCallum, T.J. , Milunsky, J.M. , Cunningham, D.L. , Harris, D.H. , Maher, T.A. A ; Oates, R.D. ( 2000 ) . Birthrate in work forces with cystic fibrosis: an update on current surgical patterns and results. Chest, 118 ( 4 ) , 1059-1062. This article describes the birthrate in work forces with CF. It shows that work forces with CF have absence of a Vas Deferens due to blockage by mucous secretion. It besides describes some possible surgery techniques which could partly handle this status. Quinton, P.M. ( 2007 ) . Cystic fibrosis: lessons from the perspiration gland.Physiology, 22 ( 3 ) , 212-225. This article describes the correlativity of salty perspiration with Cystic Fibrosis. It shows the importance of salty perspiration as one of the primary sensors of CF in an early phase. Norez, C. , Antigny, F. , Noel, S. , Vandebrouck, C. , A ; Becq, F. ( 2009 ) . A Cystic fibrosis respiratory epithelial cell inveterate treated by miglustat acquires a non-cystic fibrosis-like phenotype.American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 41, 217-225. This article describes the consequence of Miglustat drug therapy on CF patients. It shows that after a short sum of intervention in low doses, the result of CF-affected significantly improves and they start acting like non-CF affected cells. Bertrand, J. , Boucherle, B. , Billet, A. , Melin-Heschel, P. , Dannhoffer, L. , Vandebrouck, C. , Jayle, C. , Routaboul, C. , Molina, M.C. , D A ; eacute ; cout, J.L. , Becq, F. , A ; Norez, C. ( 2010 ) Designation of a fresh H2O soluble activator of wild-type and F508delCFTR: GPact-11a. European Respiratory Journal. doi:10.1183/09031936.00122509. ( published online ) This article describes a possible intervention with GPact-11a. It shows that GPact-11a is an activator of CFTR in several airway epithelial lines and activates CFTR in rhinal, tracheal, bronchial and pancreatic cell lines in worlds Rafferty, S. , A ; Alcolado, N. ( 2009 ) . Rescue of functional f508del cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator by vasoactive enteric peptide in the human rhinal epithelial cell line jme/cf15.The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 331 ( 1 ) , 2-13. This article describes the possible intervention of CF via VIP ( vasoactive enteric peptide ) . The article shows the VIP is utile in increasing the escape of chloride ions from the cells. VIP was besides found to assist in ripening and membrane-insertion of mutated CFTR protein.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Analysis of thе Main Charactеrs in Cranе’s “Thе Bluе Hotеl”

Analysis of thÐ µ Main CharactÐ µrs in CranÐ µÃ¢â‚¬â„¢s â€Å"ThÐ µ BluÐ µ HotÐ µl† Analysis of thÐ µ Main CharactÐ µrs in CranÐ µÃ¢â‚¬â„¢s â€Å"ThÐ µ BluÐ µ HotÐ µl† StÐ µphÐ µn CranÐ µs ThÐ µ bluÐ µ HotÐ µl and Jack Londons To Build a FirÐ µ arÐ µ thÐ µ truly amazing works of classic that shÐ µd light on thÐ µ rÐ µlationships bÐ µtwÐ µÃ µn mÐ µn and naturÐ µ. In A BluÐ µ HotÐ µl, thÐ µ compÐ µtitivÐ µ battlÐ µ takÐ µs placÐ µ within thÐ µ man himsÐ µlf; thÐ µ man battlÐ µs anothÐ µr man within thÐ µ limits of his own sÐ µlf. In To Build a FirÐ µ, thÐ µ strugglÐ µ appÐ µars to bÐ µ bÐ µtwÐ µÃ µn a man and naturÐ µ. Both of thÐ µsÐ µ works arÐ µ thoughtful and analytical, focusing on thÐ µ innÐ µr Ð µmotions and pÐ µrsonal fight. This papÐ µr critically analyzÐ µs thÐ µ main charactÐ µrs in CranÐ µs ThÐ µ BluÐ µ HotÐ µl and Londons To Build a FirÐ µ, comparing and contrasting thÐ µ SwÐ µdÐ µ in CranÐ µs work to thÐ µ man in Londons story. To Build a FirÐ µ may bÐ µ rÐ µgardÐ µd as London's Ð µxprÐ µssion of his pÐ µssimism ThÐ µ namÐ µlÐ µss chÐ µchaquo or tÐ µndÐ µrfoot confronts thÐ µ whitÐ µ silÐ µncÐ µ in this short story. HÐ µ possÐ µssÐ µs nÐ µithÐ µr thÐ µ imagination nor thÐ µ rÐ µasoning that convincÐ µs man of thÐ µ absurdity of confronting thÐ µ unknown with ridiculously finitÐ µ human powÐ µrs: ThÐ µ troublÐ µ with him was that hÐ µ was without imagination. HÐ µ was quick and alÐ µrt in thÐ µ things of lifÐ µ, but only in thÐ µ things, and not in thÐ µ significancÐ µs. Fifty dÐ µgrÐ µÃ µs bÐ µlow zÐ µro mÐ µant Ð µight-odd dÐ µgrÐ µÃ µs of frost. Such fact imprÐ µssÐ µd him as bÐ µing cold and uncomfortablÐ µ, and that was all (London 65). HÐ µ doÐ µs not rÐ µcognizÐ µ that man is so finitÐ µ that thÐ µ bittÐ µrly cold Alaskan landscapÐ µ inÐ µvitably dÐ µstroys thÐ µ individual. ThÐ µ rÐ µst of thÐ µ story suggÐ µsts that man is totally unprÐ µparÐ µd to facÐ µ thÐ µ unknown and too limitÐ µd to Ð µxplorÐ µ lifÐ µ's mystÐ µriÐ µs and livÐ µ. If thÐ µ individual is to survivÐ µ, hÐ µ must avoid truth sÐ µÃ µking, thÐ µ author suggÐ µsts (Baym 1743). Only two othÐ µr living bÐ µings arÐ µ mÐ µntionÐ µd in To Build a FirÐ µ: thÐ µ old timÐ µr and thÐ µ dog who accompaniÐ µs thÐ µ tÐ µndÐ µrfoot along thÐ µ hair-linÐ µ trail into thÐ µ unbrokÐ µn whitÐ µ of thÐ µ mystÐ µrious land (64). ThÐ µ old timÐ µr offÐ µrs onÐ µ way to survivÐ µ, and as it turns out, thÐ µ only way. In thÐ µ autumn bÐ µforÐ µ thÐ µ young man takÐ µs his fatal journÐ µy, thÐ µ old timÐ µr had bÐ µÃ µn vÐ µry sÐ µrious in laying down thÐ µ law that no man must travÐ µl alonÐ µ in thÐ µ KlondikÐ µ aftÐ µr fifty bÐ µlow (80). His Ð µxpÐ µriÐ µncÐ µ has givÐ µn him thÐ µ imagination to continuÐ µ living; but, significantly, hÐ µ adjusts to thÐ µ unknown by rÐ µfusing to vÐ µnturÐ µ into it. HÐ µ rÐ µmains with othÐ µr mÐ µn, away from thÐ µ trail during thÐ µ hÐ µart of wintÐ µr. ThÐ µ lÐ µsson hÐ µ attÐ µmpts to tÐ µach thÐ µ young wandÐ µrÐ µr is that if onÐ µ hopÐ µs to survivÐ µ, hÐ µ must rÐ µtrÐ µat from a solitary confrontation with cosmic powÐ µr, thÐ µ full forcÐ µ of thÐ µ blow dÐ µlivÐ µrÐ µd by thÐ µ cold of spacÐ µ at thÐ µ unprotÐ µctÐ µd tip of thÐ µ planÐ µt (80) (Baym 1747). ThÐ µ kind of accommodation thÐ µ Kid makÐ µs, practicing thÐ µ codÐ µ in ordÐ µr to adjust, is impossiblÐ µ ThÐ µ dog, howÐ µvÐ µr, accompaniÐ µs thÐ µ rÐ µcklÐ µss young man into thÐ µ cold and doÐ µs survivÐ µ. Instinct protÐ µcts him. NÐ µvÐ µrthÐ µlÐ µss, instinct givÐ µs no comfort to man, sincÐ µ it is unavailablÐ µ to him. ThÐ µ dog has inhÐ µritÐ µd thÐ µ knowlÐ µdgÐ µ from his savagÐ µ ancÐ µstors who, likÐ µ hÐ µ, had nÐ µvÐ µr bÐ µÃ µn sÐ µparatÐ µd from thÐ µ brutal landscapÐ µ by civilization. In fact, thÐ µ dog is part of thÐ µ inhuman Alaskan wildÐ µrnÐ µss and, likÐ µ it, was not concÐ µrnÐ µd in thÐ µ wÐ µlfarÐ µ of thÐ µ man (77). ThÐ µ old timÐ µr's imagination, thÐ µn, warns that man cannot confront thÐ µ dÐ µpths of Ð µxpÐ µriÐ µncÐ µ and livÐ µ; thÐ µ dog's instinct for survival is unavailablÐ µ to man (Baym 1748-9). Having bÐ µÃ µn sÐ µparatÐ µd from naturÐ µ by civilization, no man is fit to undÐ µrtakÐ µ thÐ µ most arduous journÐ µy. In addition to imagination, thÐ µ quality that pÐ µrmittÐ µd thÐ µ MalÐ µmutÐ µ kid and othÐ µr protagonists to survivÐ µ in thÐ µ Northland had bÐ µÃ µn thÐ µir knowlÐ µdgÐ µ of thÐ µ concrÐ µtÐ µ and thÐ µir mastÐ µry of facts. Suspicious of abstractions, London had givÐ µn his charactÐ µrs control ovÐ µr thÐ µ rÐ µalistic. ThÐ µ Kid is ablÐ µ to mastÐ µr situations bÐ µcausÐ µ hÐ µ knows Northland lorÐ µ, knows facts and can ordÐ µr thÐ µm rationally. ThÐ µ chÐ µchaquo in this story has a command of facts and is quick and alÐ µrt in thÐ µ things of lifÐ µ (65). It sÐ µÃ µms that thÐ µ powÐ µr of rÐ µason has collapsÐ µd. London has Ð µvÐ µn lost his faith in facts: symbolically, thÐ µ man falls through thÐ µ snow into thÐ µ watÐ µr, thÐ µ accidÐ µnt which bÐ µgins his dÐ µspÐ µratÐ µ strugglÐ µ to livÐ µ, bÐ µcausÐ µ thÐ µrÐ µ arÐ µ no signs indicating whÐ µrÐ µ thÐ µ snow is soft (Baym 1750). Similarly to Londons To Build a FirÐ µ, ThÐ µ BluÐ µ HotÐ µl has bÐ µÃ µn namÐ µd onÐ µ of thÐ µ StÐ µphÐ µn CranÐ µs bÐ µst storiÐ µs. It is possiblÐ µ to sÐ µÃ µ that thÐ µ following onÐ µs dÐ µstiny is thÐ µ talÐ µs cÐ µntral thÐ µmÐ µ. CranÐ µ shows that against a univÐ µrsÐ µ which in its indiffÐ µrÐ µncÐ µ sÐ µÃ µms hostilÐ µ and malÐ µvolÐ µnt, man can only maintain ordÐ µr and mÐ µaning in his lifÐ µ if hÐ µ rÐ µcognizÐ µs and fulfills his rÐ µsponsibility as a link in thÐ µ magnÐ µtic chain of humanity (Baym 1722). It is possiblÐ µ to suggÐ µst that ThÐ µ BluÐ µ HotÐ µl shows that pÐ µoplÐ µ havÐ µ littlÐ µ (if any) control ovÐ µr thÐ µir dÐ µstiniÐ µs whÐ µn thÐ µy dÐ µal with othÐ µr human bÐ µings. ThÐ µ famous spÐ µÃ µch of thÐ µ ЕastÐ µrnÐ µr nÐ µar thÐ µ Ð µnd of thÐ µ story rÐ µvÐ µals thÐ µ folliÐ µs of a man who, nÐ µvÐ µrthÐ µlÐ µss, bÐ µliÐ µvÐ µs in his dÐ µstiny. WÐ µ arÐ µ all in it! This poor gamblÐ µr isn't Ð µvÐ µn a noun. HÐ µ is a kind of advÐ µrb ЕvÐ µry sin is thÐ µ rÐ µsult of a collaboration. WÐ µ, fivÐ µ of us, havÐ µ collaboratÐ µd in thÐ µ murdÐ µr of this SwÐ µdÐ µ. Usually thÐ µrÐ µ arÐ µ from a dozÐ µn to forty womÐ µn rÐ µally involvÐ µd in Ð µvÐ µry murdÐ µr, but in this casÐ µ it sÐ µÃ µms to bÐ µ only fivÐ µ mÐ µnyou, I, JohnniÐ µ, old Scully; and that fool of an unfortunatÐ µ gamblÐ µr camÐ µ mÐ µrÐ µly as a culmination, thÐ µ apÐ µx of a human movÐ µmÐ µnt and gÐ µts all thÐ µ punishmÐ µnt (Qtd in Baym 1738). ThÐ µ analogy comparing thÐ µ gamblÐ µr to a part of a grammar structurÐ µ, and to a modifying word, suggÐ µsts that thÐ µ gamblÐ µr had littlÐ µ control ovÐ µr his fatÐ µ and thÐ µ SwÐ µdÐ µ. As an advÐ µrb hÐ µ is mÐ µaninglÐ µss until hÐ µ bÐ µcomÐ µs attachÐ µd to somÐ µ vÐ µrb, adjÐ µctivÐ µ, or othÐ µr advÐ µrb which will allow him a function. It is quitÐ µ clÐ µar in rÐ µtrospÐ µct that had thÐ µ Ð µvÐ µnts occurring at thÐ µ hotÐ µl happÐ µnÐ µd diffÐ µrÐ µntly, thÐ µn thÐ µ gamblÐ µr most likÐ µly would not havÐ µ bÐ µÃ µn intimidatÐ µd by thÐ µ SwÐ µdÐ µ and would not havÐ µ killÐ µd him. ThÐ µ gamblÐ µr had absolutÐ µly no control ovÐ µr what happÐ µnÐ µd at thÐ µ hotÐ µl and in this sÐ µnsÐ µ camÐ µ mÐ µrÐ µly as a culmination, thÐ µ apÐ µx of a human movÐ µmÐ µnt and got all thÐ µ punishmÐ µnt (Baym 1730). SwÐ µdÐ µ diÐ µs bÐ µcausÐ µ of his limitÐ µd and impÐ µrfÐ µct knowlÐ µdgÐ µ. Had hà  µ chosÐ µn to grab any man at thÐ µ tablÐ µ but thÐ µ gamblÐ µr, hÐ µ probably would not havÐ µ bÐ µÃ µn murdÐ µrÐ µd. But what happÐ µns if onÐ µ looks at that last sÐ µction from thÐ µ point of viÐ µw of onÐ µ who would sÐ µÃ µ thÐ µ mÐ µaning of thÐ µ talÐ µ as primarily involving thÐ µ brothÐ µrhood of man thÐ µmÐ µ? First of all it is quitÐ µ obvious that rÐ µgardlÐ µss of CranÐ µ's intÐ µntions thÐ µ ЕastÐ µrnÐ µr intÐ µnds to say that all mÐ µn sharÐ µ thÐ µ burdÐ µn of rÐ µsponsibility for Ð µvil, that facÐ µd by a univÐ µrsÐ µ which has no rÐ µgard for him, man must rÐ µcognizÐ µ thÐ µ nÐ µcÐ µssity of his involvÐ µmÐ µnt with othÐ µr mÐ µn. SÐ µÃ µn from this point, thÐ µ ЕastÐ µrnÐ µr's statÐ µmÐ µnt, ThÐ µ SwÐ µdÐ µ might not havÐ µ bÐ µÃ µn killÐ µd if Ð µvÐ µrything had bÐ µÃ µn squarÐ µ, impliÐ µs thÐ µ possibility of thÐ µ action turning out diffÐ µrÐ µntly from thÐ µ way it did. WhÐ µn thÐ µ ЕastÐ µrnÐ µr furthÐ µr says, JohnniÐ µ was chÐ µating. I saw him .... And I rÐ µfusÐ µd to stand up and bÐ µ a man. I lÐ µt thÐ µ SwÐ µdÐ µ fight it out alonÐ µ, hÐ µ mÐ µans to indicatÐ µ rÐ µsponsibility, to point out thÐ µ guilty. It is also quitÐ µ clÐ µar hÐ µrÐ µ that thÐ µ cowboy, whosÐ µ Ð µxpÐ µriÐ µncÐ µ and sÐ µnsibilitiÐ µs arÐ µ quitÐ µ limitÐ µd, is intÐ µndÐ µd to prÐ µsÐ µnt thÐ µ lÐ µss satisfactory point of viÐ µw toward thÐ µ Ð µvÐ µnts prÐ µcÐ µding thÐ µ last scÐ µnÐ µ. HÐ µ fails complÐ µtÐ µly to comprÐ µhÐ µnd thÐ µ mÐ µaning of thÐ µ ЕastÐ µrnÐ µr's statÐ µmÐ µnt about thÐ µ complicity of thÐ µ fivÐ µ mÐ µn in thÐ µ murdÐ µr of thÐ µ SwÐ µdÐ µ. WÐ µll, I didn't do anythin', did I? hÐ µ asks naivÐ µly. It sÐ µÃ µms clÐ µar Ð µnough that thÐ µ answÐ µr to thÐ µ cowboy's quÐ µstion would bÐ µ a rÐ µstatÐ µmÐ µnt of what thÐ µ ЕastÐ µrnÐ µr has said alrÐ µady, that mÐ µn havÐ µ rÐ µsponsibility toward Ð µach othÐ µr; hÐ µncÐ µ thÐ µ thÐ µmÐ µ of thÐ µ brothÐ µrhood of man. It is possiblÐ µ to concludÐ µ that both To build a FirÐ µ and ThÐ µ BluÐ µ HotÐ µl show mÐ µn who do not control thÐ µir dÐ µstiniÐ µs and havÐ µ littlÐ µ choicÐ µs in thÐ µir livÐ µs. CranÐ µ shows that thÐ µ murdÐ µr was inÐ µvitablÐ µ undÐ µr thosÐ µ circumstancÐ µs. In thÐ µ samÐ µ mannÐ µr that thÐ µ author portrays that thÐ µ SwÐ µdÐ µ's dÐ µath occurs out of nÐ µcÐ µssity, Jack London illustratÐ µs that man can do littlÐ µ to fight thÐ µ naturÐ µ. Both of thÐ µ storiÐ µs arÐ µ rathÐ µr pÐ µssimistic, focusing on thÐ µ mÐ µns failurÐ µs and disastÐ µrs. YÐ µt, thÐ µ authors givÐ µ Ð µvÐ µry rÐ µadÐ µr a frÐ µÃ µdom to dÐ µvÐ µlop his or hÐ µr own intÐ µrprÐ µtation of thÐ µ storylinÐ µs: Ð µvÐ µrything is possiblÐ µ.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

AFFIMATIVE ACTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

AFFIMATIVE ACTION - Essay Example ffirmative action describes policies aimed at a historically and socio-politically non-dominant group (typically, minority men or women of all races) intended to promote access to education or employment. Motivation for affirmative action is a desire to redress the effects of past and current discrimination that is regarded as unfair and to encourage public institutions such as universities, hospitals and police forces to be more representative of the population. This is commonly achieved through targeted recruitment programs aimed at applicants from socio-politically disadvantaged groups. The overall framework of affirmative action in the United States was established by Executive Order 10925, issued in March 1961 by President John F. Kennedy, but has evolved significantly. The original order required government contractors to take "affirmative action" to ensure equal treatment of applicants and employees "without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." Reservation in Indian law is a form of affirmative action whereby a percentage of seats are reserved in the public sector units, union and state civil services, union and state government departments and in all public and private educational institutions, except in the religious/ linguistic minority educational institutions, for the socially and educationally backward classes of citizens or the Scheduled Castes and Tribes who were inadequately represented in these services and institutions. The reservation policy is extended for the SC and STs in representing the Parliament of India & state legislative assemblies. In its modern form, affirmative action can call for a recruiting officer faced with two similarly qualified applicants to choose the minority over the white, or for a manager to hire a qualified woman for a job instead of a man. Affirmative action decisions are generally not supposed to be based on quotas, nor are they supposed to give any preference to unqualified candidates. And they

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Risk identification is an underdeveloped art Discuss and include an Essay

Risk identification is an underdeveloped art Discuss and include an overview of risk identification aids and techniques in yo - Essay Example These entrepreneurs are called trendsetters in a market. In a dynamic environment, swift business decisions are required to be taken in response to the fast changing environment. This adaptability is essential for the survival of the business. Risks in a business cannot be avoided. Is the management risk averse? Risk is inevitable in a business process and it is involved in every activity of the business, though the degree of the risk is insignificant in many cases. Therefore, the approach should be: Is a particular risk tolerable, considering the willingness and ability of the management to take risk? The business decisions need to be consistent with the management’s policy with regard to risk. In all other cases, the management has to decide whether the risk is acceptable at all. Therefore, risk identification is a continuous process in an organization to evaluate the risk potential of the business decisions, its impact on the business in the worse scenario and the risk rewa rd ratio. Risk Analysis If risk identification or analysis is considered as an art, the passion and ability for analysis on the part of the personnel is important, and the management’s recognition and support for this function should form the basis for its efficient and successful functioning and contribution to the business development. Risk analysis or risk identification in this sense is as a continuous process as a part of the management function with necessary authority at its disposal and suitable place in the management structure. Risk analysis calls for collecting information from external and internal sources. The analyst needs to possess the analytical ability and proficiency in using various analytical tools for the purpose of analysis. Collection of information from the internal sources through various periodical reports, surveys, job cards and other records is a regular process. Classification of this information for various analytical purposes for the current us e or storage of the classified information for future use is important. The information has to be cross-verified for its correctness and reliability by using various auditing and other techniques. The information is analyzed for abnormalities or other indications and recorded either for future use or further action by the different departmental heads. Barron and Barron (2011) suggest keeping the management informed of project risks and potential impacts at all times. The understanding of the business by the analyst in this process is enhanced and it would be useful in evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses in the system. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Organization Analysis of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization is the first step in risk identification because opportunities and challenges in the environment have to be analyzed in relation to the strengths and weaknesses of the organization to evaluate the preferred course of action or to formulate adaptive strategies. Starr et al. (2003) state, ‘Enterprise resilience is the ability and capacity to withstand systemic discontinuities and adapt to new risk environments. A resilient organization effectively aligns its strategy, operations, management systems, governance structure, and decision-support capabilities so that it can uncover and adjust to continually changing risks, endure disruptions to its primary earnings drivers, and create advantages over less

Monday, November 18, 2019

Critical Communication Event in Wireless Telecommunications Essay

Critical Communication Event in Wireless Telecommunications - Essay Example The history of wireless technology is not a onetime affair. It has been a gradual advancement that has seen bit after bit of new knowledge added to the already existing pool so that conveyance of information in the modern time has become an easy affair (Goldsmith, 2007). The case between Emery and Southwest Airlines is a classic example of issues that erupt daily which without the modern forms of communication may never be known. Emery is denied entry into the Airline’s flight on the account of his weight. The issue is seen to trigger a lot of public interest as a function of its wide coverage in the media through television and the internet. The very fundamental role of the media is reflected in this case. It is important to realize that the media solely acts as a means through which the masses can obtain the information and no more. The information is relayed through such outlets as eTurbo and ABC News which clearly analyze the whole situation thereby making the public quite informed and aware of the true nature of the Airline. It is therefore important to acknowledge the role played by modern -day communication more so wireless communication in the dissemination of very fundamental information that relates to humanity. Through such informa tion, people are able to exercise their social characteristics to the benefit of humanity at

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Study On Ancient Egyptian Religion History Essay

A Study On Ancient Egyptian Religion History Essay Religion played a very significant role in Ancient Egypt. Their religion was greatly inspired by custom and tradition. The Ancient Egyptians possessed a complex and intricate religion. Their main aim throughout their history was to emulate the conditions which they believed has existed at the dawn of creation. (Rosalie, 1988) Ancient Egyptian includes many religious beliefs and rituals performed in Ancient Egypt beyond 3,000 years. The religious beliefs centered on the worship of numerous deities who signified various features of ideas, nature and purposes of power, articulated by the ways of complicated and many archetypes. Ancient Egyptians were polytheists and worshipped literally hundreds of different gods, including their pharaohs, all of whom were believed to be gods in the form of men. The deities were worshipped with offerings and prayers, in family and home shrines including in temples which are administered by priests. Egypt never had a rational hierarchy because different gods were superior at different periods of time in Egyptian history and also the myths related with them changed over time. Nevertheless, religion of Ancient Egypt is recognized or learned prominently by people around the globe. Egyptians believed that the temple with premises as the actual home of the god. They performed their daily rituals by preparing a statue which they considered as their actual deity. The most important ritual was performed during the sunrise. They perform another ritual during the mid-day and the last one when the sun goes down. Before the dawn the temple area is filled with priests, temple servants are seen preparing offerings of food, drinks and flowers. Everyone who was to come into the attendance of the ritual had to be purified. Meanwhile in a room outside of the sanctum, only pharaoh and high priests were allowed where the offerings were set out. The offerings included incense burning and chanting of prayers by priests and priestess. At the same moment as the sun reaches above the horizon, the face of the god was to unseal. This represented the rebirth of the sun as incarnated in the statue. The statue was to wash, perfume, apply make-up and dress in clean clothing. The conclusi on of the ritual includes the high priest anointing the forehead of the statue with scented oil which affirms that the statue has been instilled with existence of the deity. The high priest seals the door of the sanctum and sweeps away his foot prints leaving no trace. Through their ritual and purifying of god, it was said that that the god will protect the two lands which were Upper and Lower Egypt. Religion has been described as a belief in and an admiration for supernatural powers regarded as creator and ruler of the universe. Egyptian religion encompasses their ancient gods, the mythology and other aspects of the religion such as creation, death and the afterlife. However, there are undoubtedly more complications to the religion, such as how the king played into this structure of religion, and ethical beliefs concerning what the god are expected of humans. The Egyptians had many tales regarding how the world started. According to one legend, it started with an ocean in darkness. Then a mound of dry land rose up and the sun god Re appeared. He created light and all things. Another version has the sun God emerging from a sacred blue lotus that grew out of the mud, while a third version has him as part animal and part human. (Heller, 1999) The Egyptian Book of the Dead covers the main thoughts and views in the Ancient Egyptian religion. Egyptians dedicated much time and wealth o n preparing for survival in the next world because of their peculiar belief on afterlife. Egyptians saw death as a temporary phase in the progress to gain a healthier life in the afterlife. They believed that they could only attain their full ability after death. Each person was to possess three souls, the ka, the ba, and the akh. The whole civilization of Ancient Egypt was grounded on religion which made their beliefs very significant to them. Their belief in being born again after death became their influential strength behind their funeral practices. Egyptian religion was complex and complicate, as well as vital to many Egyptians, but their polytheistic beliefs certainly caused problems. In the role of god-kings, a lot of burden was placed on the pharaohs. They were accused for when the land did not produce well, when there were problems with other countries. The Egyptian gods were never considered by them to be personal. Egypt was governed by pharaohs and the pharaohs were given the authority at the command of the Egyptian gods. This belief was so powerful in ancient Egypt that all through the nations chaotic history various pharaohs discontinue his reign to assure the public that they has obtained the power to reign from the ancient Egyptian gods. One pharaoh, a female nonetheless, even went so far as to concoct a wild story to insure her subjects saw her as divinely appointed by Hatshepsut. (The World of the Ancient Egyptian Gods, 2008) Apart from a short period of time when pharaoh Akhenaten tried to establish a monotheistic devotion to one god but the nation was ruled by numerous different Egyptian gods and goddess. Egyptian religion was so interconnected that more focus was provided to their family members and the names of the ancient Egyptian gods name. Throughout the three thousand year period of the polytheistic religion of Egypt was encompassed of a very complicated system of Egyptian gods a nd goddesses. They were the one who studied the knowledge of both the scared mystery teachings and the religious philosophies of the times. Pharaoh appointed different high priests to perform the sacred rituals at different temple because he could not carry out ceremonies at all the temples all over Egypt. Priests often give his throne down their positions from father to son. The priests responsibilities were to supervise the gods and listen to their needs. They also carry out funeral rites, teaching school, administrating the artists and works, and counselling people on problems. The priesthood of ancient Egypt has an extensive and profound history, entrenched within the traditions of Ancient Egypt. While the pharaohs were seen as gods, the priests and priestesses were perceived as replacement for the pharaoh. The job of the priests and priestesses were considered very high in Egyptian society, as is the situation with most ideally based societies. The spiritual characteristics of the priests and priestesses take on a minor role because the aspect of attaining the ethical and basic needs of the Egyptians. Though there work on society served as a method to order society, to establish a hierarchy, and to conserve the culture for future generations. The role of the priests and priestesses were both practical and spiritual on both levels. A priest or priestess in ancient Egypt was normally selected by either the pharaoh, or they accomplished their position by hereditary means. The priests and priestesses who received their positions hereditarily and through the king were allowed to continue their ordinary life. As a matter of fact, such priests were made to comprise the ordinary life to keep Egyptian society working properly. However the priesthood had begun out modestly, with moderately few temples, in the following reigns the temples increased into the hundreds. For such development, a large government was required to keep the temples in good position; and ther eafter, the establishment of small priesthoods of the Egyptians grew from an estimated hundred priests into the thousands later with it came a priestly hierarchy. Priests were often alternated from position to position within the hierarchy and were combined in and out of ordinary society. This alternation method normally went that a priest would enter into temple life one month, at three times a year. This alternation system had a straight association to the often severe purity rites of the priests. Irrespective of what position the priest was, there were numerous restrictions and traditions a priest had to or could not participate in. Ancient Egyptian religion was similar to current times. Everyone does not believe in the same way, or of the same god. Ancient Egyptian followed the same rule of not following the same god. Egyptian pharaoh worshipped their own gods so did the workers, priests, merchants and farmers of Ancient Egypt. Pre-dynastic Egypt had their own way of thinking and viewpoint of a god, which was articulated in symbols and pictures; writing was invented in order to convey spiritual thoughts to the people of ancient Egypt. Egyptians influenced many people regarding religion and Egyptians are known for their devotion towards their religion and gods.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Fahrenheit 9/11 Essay -- Michael Moore Movie Persuasion Essays

Fahrenheit 9/11 Michael Moore’s latest film, â€Å"Fahrenheit 9/11,† presents a critical look at the administration of George W. Bush and the War on Terrorism. In this film Moore investigates the rapid growth of the United States government and its trend of trampling the rights of individuals, and the corporatism that is spawned out of the close ties between big government and big business during wartime. Michael Moore may not convince all audiences, but is successful for its factual accuracy in which the evidence spoke for itself, and at the same time proclaimed Moore's artistry in transposing and splicing scenes to create impressions that supported his allegations and opinions. Michael Moore has employed two main techniques in an attempt to successfully influence his audience; psychological means of strategy, and cinematic techniques of persuasion. These methods, coupled with how they are presented to the audience, and how the audience react, are what Moore uses to create a scheming effect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Humor and emotional appeals is what Moore has used in Fahrenheit 9/11 to aid the effect of persuasion. For humor, Moore reaches for an ‘ad populum’ with his audience, looking to exert his opinion as a justification for his claim. An example can be with the Florida election, where Moore has used a fast tempo background piece of music. This sounds much like a stereotypical ‘hillbilly/country’ song; which can be related to Bush’s southern US state background. This music has several functions, including helping Moore’s rapid delivery of facts, but in this case it illustrates Moore’s opinion of the nature of the election – that it can be seen as some sort of ‘joke’. By providing a taunt at Bush’s background, Moore has given the audience humor. Comedy makes these messages more effective as it increases the liking for the source [Moore], and the choice of humor might illustrate a shared sense of hi larity that hints at a similar set of underlying ideas that the audience hold. In â€Å"Fahrenheit 9/11† Moore specifically uses anger as his primary emotion in order to persuade the audience, the anger of Lila Lipscomb, whose son died whilst in combat duty in Iraq. Moore’s interview with Lila Lipscomb provides an insight into the pain felt by families whose children had died during the war in Iraq. Moore presents the audience with the nature of Lipscomb’s anger directed at th... ...ainst its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia but to keep the very structure of society intact." The aim of this is to strengthen Moore’s view of the drive of the ruling class of modern hierarchical society imposing essentially permanent warfare. Moore reads the quote before the end of the movie. This tactic is used by Moore to give a more memorable and powerful statement, leaving the audience his solidarity attempt to question their leader’s action. Michael Moore brilliantly manipulates the conventions of film to make the audience see and feel these political and moral issues the way he does. Moore, an outspoken loather of the President has shaped his film like a cinematic bullet, with character assassination as his priority. â€Å"Fahrenheit 9/11† shows a series of solemn images and sound bites, arranged as a critical history of the President’s actions since he took office, including the abuse of power and use of fear tactics that have been employed for his monetary and narcissistic gains. Regardless of personal political leanings, â€Å"Fahrenheit 9/11† is an amazing accomplishment of individual expression and anti-government aggression.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Media on Gender Essay

Media is a reflection of the attitudes on gender that the society exhibits and at the same time it plays a role in â€Å"determining and teaching gender behavior†. It is the role of the media to gather information and articulate it to society; this is the media’s job (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). If he/she sees that the society from a certain geographic location accepts gays and lesbians then this is what it will report (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). He or she may articulate what he or she witnessed through technologies including â€Å"radio, newspaper, television, and internet† and if he or she shares such information utilizing the last three aforementioned wherein in photos and videos may be attached as well then all the more that it clearly illustrates how the society reacts about gender issues (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). Meanwhile, it also plays a role in â€Å"determining and teaching gender behavior† because the people who get to watch what he or she articulated through several technologies will interpret it (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). This interpretation now will depend upon how the media presented the information (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). Was there bias on the presentation of facts? Were the two sides shown to the people? Is there a conflict of interest? All the answers to these questions will contribute largely since the society now will conclude based on that alone (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). Very clearly, the media is a reflection of the attitudes on gender that the society exhibits and at the same time it plays a great role in â€Å"determining and teaching gender behavior† because it’s their primary job to gather and share information and because they also have weaknesses in presenting the facts they gathered (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). Work Cited Hubpages Inc. Mass Media Influence on Society. 2008. n. a. 23 November 2008. http://hubpages. com/hub/Mass-Media-Influence-on-Society

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Henrys Law Example Problem

Henrys Law Example Problem Henrys law is a gas law  formulated by the British chemist William Henry in 1803. The law states that at a constant temperature, the amount of dissolved gas in a volume of a specified liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas in equilibrium with the liquid. In other words, the amount of dissolved gas is directly proportional to the partial pressure of its gas phase. The law contains a proportionality factor that is called Henrys law constant. This example problem demonstrates how to use Henrys law to calculate the concentration of a gas in solution under pressure. Henrys Law Problem How many grams of carbon dioxide gas is dissolved in a 1 L bottle of carbonated water if the manufacturer uses a pressure of 2.4 atm in the bottling process at 25  °C?Given: KH of CO2 in water 29.76 atm/(mol/L) at 25  °CSolutionWhen a gas is dissolved in a liquid, the concentrations will eventually reach equilibrium between the source of the gas and the solution. Henrys law shows that the concentration of a solute gas in a solution is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas over the solution.P KHC where:P is the partial pressure of the gas above the solution.KH is the Henrys law constant for the solution.C is the concentration of the dissolved gas in solution.C P/KHC 2.4 atm/29.76 atm/(mol/L)C 0.08 mol/LSince we have only 1 L of water, we have 0.08 mol of CO. Convert moles to grams: mass of 1 mol of CO2 12(16x2) 1232 44 g g of CO2 mol CO2 x (44 g/mol)g of CO2 8.06 x 10-2 mol x 44 g/molg of CO2 3.52 gAnswer There are 3.52 g of CO2 dissolved in a 1 L bottle of carbonated water from the manufacturer. Before a can of soda is opened, nearly all the gas above the liquid is carbon dioxide. When the container is opened, the gas escapes, lowering the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and allowing the dissolved gas to come out of solution. This is why soda is fizzy. Other Forms of Henrys Law The formula for Henrys law may be written other ways to allow for easy calculations using different units, particularly of KH. Here are some common constants for gases in water at 298 K and the applicable forms of Henrys law: Equation KH = P/C KH = C/P KH = P/x KH = Caq / Cgas units [Lsoln atm / molgas] [molgas / Lsoln atm] [atm molsoln / molgas] dimensionless O2 769.23 1.3 E-3 4.259 E4 3.180 E-2 H2 1282.05 7.8 E-4 7.088 E4 1.907 E-2 CO2 29.41 3.4 E-2 0.163 E4 0.8317 N2 1639.34 6.1 E-4 9.077 E4 1.492 E-2 He 2702.7 3.7 E-4 14.97 E4 9.051 E-3 Ne 2222.22 4.5 E-4 12.30 E4 1.101 E-2 Ar 714.28 1.4 E-3 3.9555 E4 3.425 E-2 CO 1052.63 9.5 E-4 5.828 E4 2.324 E-2 Where: Lsoln is liters of solution.caq is moles of gas per liter of solution.P is partial pressure of the gas above the solution, typically in atmosphere absolute pressure.xaq is mole fraction of the gas in solution, which is approximately equal to the moles of gas per moles of water.atm refers to atmospheres of absolute pressure. Applications of Henrys Law Henrys law is only an approximation that is applicable for dilute solutions. The further a system diverges from ideal solutions ( as with any gas law), the less accurate the calculation will be. In general, Henrys law works best when the solute and solvent are chemically similar to each other. Henrys law is used in practical applications. For example, it is used to determine the amount of dissolved oxygen and nitrogen in the blood of divers to help determine the risk of decompression sickness (the bends). Reference for KH Values Francis L. Smith and Allan H. Harvey (Sept. 2007), Avoid Common Pitfalls When Using Henrys Law, Chemical Engineering Progress  (CEP), pp. 33-39

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Nord-Pas-de-Calais essays

Nord-Pas-de-Calais essays Nord-Pas-de-Calais is situated on the northern border of Belgium. It is one of the smallest regions of France (12,412 km2) (Discover France, notecard #1). North-Pas-de-Calais is split into two departments. Its a region of contrasting landscapes: forests and woods ; gentle meadows and marshlands ; rolling hills; a varied coastline that stretches for miles and miles ;and wide-open spaces of unspoilt countryside. Nord-Pas-de-Calais is split into two departments: Pas de Calais and Nord. This province has the densest population after Ile de France, the most populated French province. Population of Nord-Pas-de-Calais is almost 4,000,000 people, and the density of population is 322 people per km2 (Discover France, notecard #1). Tere are a lot of great restaurants in Nord-Pas-de Calais. They offer either a taste of regional specialities or the sort of good food and drink you could find almost anywhere in France. There are a number of dishes to look out for including: Tarte Gros bords (open-top sweet custard tart), Andouillettes( small sausages made from chitterlings [offal] and served with chips or mashed potato). Try also Anguilles au vert (eels cooked with spinach and sorrel leaves in white wine; garnished with herbs and served hot or cold on fried bread), and Flamiche (Either a sweet or a savoury tart). Nord-Pas-De-Calais shares its border with Belgium and so there is a strong Flemish influence. For example, many people drink beer instead of wine and prefer to speak not French but Flemish. If you go to this province, you will probably want to go to the Cte d'Opale (Coast of Opals), which stretches as far south as Boulogne in Pas-de-Calais. This coast is at the narrowest stretch of La Manche (the English Channel). . You can find sandy beaches at Sangatte and Wissant and, if you are ready to dig deeper into the countryside, you'll discover r...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Decision making tools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Decision making tools - Essay Example 1b) Continue the analysis by the calculation of appropriate measures of location (mean, mode, median) and measures of dispersion (inter-quartile range, standard deviation) with an interpret of the values obtained 2.1 Design a questionnaire to be administered to students to find out about students’ views on the impact of the ban on smoking, which would help the College in framing future policy on smoking within the College (NOTE You will not need to get the questionnaire answered as part of this assignment). Use arrange of question types including open, closed, scale and multiple choice â€Å"Regulation 2(1) provides that the maximum fine on conviction for an offence relating to the display of no-smoking signs is level 3 on the standard scale (currently  £1000). Regulation 2(4) provides that where the fixed penalty procedure is used for an alleged offence relating to the display of no-smoking signs— Regulation 2(2) provides that the maximum fine on conviction for an offence of smoking in a smoke-free place is level 1 on the standard scale (currently  £200). Regulation 2(5) provides that where the fixed penalty procedure is used for an alleged offence of smoking in a smoke-free place— The only perfect way to find out how the Legislation on Smoking would impact the inmates of campus is to get all the people who stay in campus answer the questionnaire. This is not always possible because first of all it is difficult to get all people answer the questions; secondly not all people would answer the questions sincerely. It is quite possible to have a very large sample upon which no sound decision can be based. This occurs because the respondents in the sample are not really similar to the population about which we want to make generalizations. It is better to chose people representative of all streams of society .For example in this case the sample set should proportionately

Saturday, November 2, 2019

How to utilize and enhance City Year social media Research Paper

How to utilize and enhance City Year social media - Research Paper Example The paper tends to briefly analyze the role and significance of social media in terms of creating considerable awareness through developing adequate planning for San Antonio City Year which can protect students from rising dropout crisis within the state. The discussion in this essay will also focus on demonstrating effective communication and customer service facilities which can enable San Antonio City Year to efficiently increase its number of members from both students at the risks of dropout and AmeriCorps members. RECOMMENDATIONS Demographic Analysis Of Social Media In San Antonio. According to the present day context, the association with social media has been witnessed to significantly increase amid the young adult population within the age group of 16-24 years. In relation to the observation of present usage of social media, it can be identified that a few of the major social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube among others are widely used by the young a dults in San Antonio. Facebook. By providing exceptional experience of social media service to the millions of global users, Facebook has established itself as one of the leading and dominant organizations around the world. In accordance with the present day context, Facebook has been able to accumulate around 1.1 billion of Monthly Active Users (MAUs) across the different regions of the world (Facebook â€Å"Investor Relations†). Moreover, Facebook has also been identified to be one of the leading social media sites, which has established a follower base of young adults within the age group of 16-24 (Fuller 19-21). Twitter. Twitter can also be considered as an effective social media resource for San Antonio City Year in order to build a strong community. In accordance with the observation of the global social media environment, Twitter has been able to amass almost 500 millions of global users across the different geographical locations. This social networking site incorpora tes a large number of active female user accounts as compared to male and it is highly used for higher educational purposes. Twitter generally incorporates a large number of users within the age group of 25-54 years (PanARMENIAN Network, â€Å"Twitter Approaching 500 Million Users Milestone†). YouTube. YouTube can also be stated as an effective source of social media which is widely used to share videos to a number of users. The site has been able to obtain almost 1biilion of active users from diverse age groups. In relation to the age-demographic view of YouTube, it can apparently be observed that the site mostly incorporates the users within the age group of 25-54 years (Laura and Wankel 16-19). In relation to the aforesaid observations of the different social media sites, it has been determined that the integration of Facebook within the awareness activities will be a major and beneficial selection for San Antonio City Year to reduce the potential dropout rates within San Antonio. Moreover, the integration process can also provide adequate support to the San Antonio City Year to build an effective relationship with the students at higher risk of dropout along with facilitating to mitigate such risks. SOCIAL MEDIA ON SMARTPHONE The rapid technological development